Dealing with change is hard. Like, really hard. Think back over the past year. How many changes did you go through? We had to deal with a pandemic, which ultimately meant lost businesses, maybe lost employment and even lost lives. These are really challenging, hard changes that were mostly outContinue Reading

Stress triggers are everywhere and are different for everyone. What are your triggers? Here are some that might ring a bell: Family Members Traffic Bad work day Tech issues Negative comments Travel plans A big launch – book or program release Wedding planning after engagement Planning for a baby’s arrivalContinue Reading

It’s a new year. . . But is going to be a fresh start for you? Or are you going to do the same old thing. If you’re already thinking of going about things in the same way you did last year, you might have those negative bad thoughts orContinue Reading

When it comes to stress, there are different kinds – acute, chronic and eustress. Acute stress is the day-to-day stress that we experience. It’s short and can be positive or problematic. Think of the nerves you feel when you’re going on a job interview or getting cut off on theContinue Reading

Let’s talk about stress, baby. Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be. Let’s talk about stress. . . Ok, seriously. Let’s talk about stress. We all feel it. Some more than others. And if it becomes chronic,Continue Reading

Tomorrow is one of my favorite pseudo-holidays – National Take a Hike Day! One of my absolute, all-time favorite things to do is go for a walk in nature. Whether it’s just a small path or a mountain that you’re climbing, hiking is great for your physical, emotional and mentalContinue Reading

Doesn’t the Universe have a funny way of doing things? Today is Stress Awareness Day and it just so happens to fall the day after the United States Presidential Election. I’d say She has a sense of humor. And let’s be honest, there’s been a lot of things to stressContinue Reading

We all experience stress. Some handle it much better than others. As a Coach, I even experience stress. Sometimes I handle it well and other times I don’t. But over the years, I’ve learned 5 ways to deal with it and I want to share them with you. Keep ThingsContinue Reading

It’s National Stress Awareness Day! And I want to know two things. . . Are you aware of your stress levels? What are some of your symptoms you experience with stress? If you’re not aware of your stress levels, you need to be. Stress not only harms our minds andContinue Reading