The Mindful Virtual Assistant

The Mindful Virtual Assistant was born after I became a corporate dropout. After 14 years of working my butt off for what felt like nothing, I quit and began working for a small business. I quickly realized how overwhelmed most small business owners are. Many are one-person shows and try to wear all the hats. With all the tasks that need to be done, it’s nearly impossible because the work never ends.

As someone that lives with ADHD, anxiety and has experienced burnout, I know what it feels like to feel like you’re in a constant state of exhaustion. I can help you flip the script and feel like you’re on Cloud 9.

If you’re a small business owner that’s been on your own since the beginning, and don’t want to do it anymore, I’ve got you! I can take thing off your plate and help you get more done, so you can grow and scale your business. Plus, you get a chance to be more focused and present while you’re enjoying what life has to offer. You can learn more about MVA by downloading this free guide.

How you can work with MVA?

Once you’ve determined you need an extra set of hands, you’ll want to complete a Client Intake Form. It’s a questionnaire that helps MVA identify how we can best serve you, your business and your life.

Once we’ve received your completed questionnaire, we’ll contact you to schedule a Discovery Call. On this call we’ll get to know each other a little better, figure out if the skills we have in our wheelhouse match the services you’re looking for help with and to talk about logistics. The call is free and if we’re not right for you, we have a network of other freelancers we can refer you to.

If we vibe and officially agree to work together, we’ll send you a Service Agreement to sign and return within 48 hours. Then we get started! Taking tasks off your plate and making your life a little more easy. Simple as that!

What types of services are offered?

Creation & Management of Digital Organizational Systems

Community and Launch Planning Support

Inbox Management

Calendar Management

Content Creation

While this isn’t a complete list of what we can do, these are our specialties. If there’s something specific you’re looking for, make sure to mention it on your Client Intake Form and your Discovery Call!

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