
  • Perfectionism


    Is trying to be a perfectionist hurting your life? Then you need to read this post! I share more details about perfectionism, what it’s like to be an Enneagram 1 and give you a few reminders to help you on your journey.

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  • Myths About Mental Health

    Myths About Mental Health

    The conversation about mental health is coming to the forefront of our world and a few myths need to be dispelled.

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  • Oils for Stress

    Oils for Stress

    Ever gotten stressed and wished you could grab something natural? Here are a few essential oils for stress that can help!

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  • Take Out the Trash

    Take Out the Trash

    Toxic relationships are the bane of our existence and can be thrown away like the trash. In this post, I’ll give you 5 examples of toxic people, how to identify them and how to remove them from your life.

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  • Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Do you eat when you’re stressed? I have, and still do from time to time. On this post, I’m talking about eating when we’re stressed and what to do about it.

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  • 40 is Hard!

    40 is Hard!

    Friends, milestone birthdays can be SUPER hard. Turning 40 was a freaking struggle. I spiraled down, but was able to get out. . .thankfully.

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  • Do You Cuss?

    Do You Cuss?

    Do you cuss? I do from time to time. But have you ever thought about where these words come from and how they make you and others feel.

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  • Work/Life Balance

    Work/Life Balance

    The concept of work/life balance can be hard to understand, especially when Americans seem to be so focused on work. Many CEOs, entrepreneurs and people in business do not believe that work/life balance exists…but I do. I share what work life balance is, how to evaluate your life and how to add more life into…

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  • Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life

    Tips to Help You Simplify Your Life

    You want to simplify your life, but you think it’s too hard? Well guess what, […]

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  • Meal Prep vs. Menu Prep

    Meal Prep vs. Menu Prep

    Let’s talk about meal prepping. Almost everyone talks about it. Many say it’s the best […]

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