Is self-care really that expensive?  The answer to this question is different for everyone. You do have to be mindful about how you practice self-care because it can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Let me give you an example of how it can get expensive. Sally decides she isContinue Reading

“Excuses are like [insert expletive here], everyone has one.”  It’s true! Some may have more than one excuse too.  Lately I’ve been realizing that I cannot get some things accomplished.  Things like working out at 6:00 AM every morning, preparing my meals or even making time to for me.  ToContinue Reading

When I think about mental health I immediately think of all the bad things – anxiety, depression, severe manic episodes, darkness and hospitalization.  A lot of people think of the bad things first too.  Someone that thinks like this may have tons of friends, be at every event or partyContinue Reading

No, I don’t mean me.  I mean your partner, your spouse, your significant other, your best friend, etc. Dating is not just about love, but it’s also about relationships. When I use the word “date”, I’m using it loosely.  Most of us talk about dating  in terms of our loveContinue Reading

Have you had a teachable moment?  Let me tell you about the one I had. I was at my day job and was doing a new task.  I was getting frustrated because I was watching the clock and seeing the minutes going by…fast!  To do something that seemed so simple,Continue Reading

There are so many options out there for getting healthy – weight loss programs, intermittent fasting, coaching that includes food, coaching that doesn’t include food, going vegan, going gluten-free, going dairy free… Do you feel like you want to scream? I certainly did when I first started my journey.  EveryoneContinue Reading

Have you ever said this statement to yourself before?  I have and after a lot of thought, I’m able to finish the sentence.  I was healthier when I worked closer to home. It doesn’t sound like the most profound statement, but it’s true.  I’ve noticed over the past few yearsContinue Reading

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Some see something that can be hard to handle.  For most women, we don’t see the actual, true reflection.  Instead, we see the poorer version of ourselves.  We see the messy hair, the pudge around our waists, the wrinkled skin,Continue Reading

What exactly is fear?  To some, it’s a road block.  To others, it’s a hurdle.  To many, it’s scary. Sometimes the fear completely takes over.  It pushes you back and while sometimes it might delay you, you cannot let it hold you back. Fear used to make me afraid.  AfraidContinue Reading

Do you ever feel like you have voices in your head?  Like someone marching around with a megaphone saying things over and over again?  Sometimes I do.  I’m not crazy and neither are you! I relate it to the angel and the devil on our shoulders.  The personalities living inside ofContinue Reading