Body image

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Some see something that can be hard to handle.  For most women, we don’t see the actual, true reflection.  Instead, we see the poorer version of ourselves.  We see the messy hair, the pudge around our waists, the wrinkled skin, etc.!  Why do we do this to ourselves?  The question is so individual, that we only can answer that for ourselves.

If you’re like me, the answer is simple.  Perfectionism.  You may feel as though you’re not good enough, that you cannot compete with others and that you’re not good enough.  Through personal development and spiritual work, you can counteract those beliefs.  Those thoughts may never be gone, but they are far more distant.  And it is still a daily effort to acknowledge myself for what you am. I challenge you to think about your answer to this question:

Why do you give yourself negative feedback every time you look in the mirror?

Do some self-exploration, some meditation and some personal development to learn about yourself and find the answer.  I want you to consider having a daily mantra.  When you get dressed in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror before you leave for the day, I want you to say something good. A few examples would be:

  • “I am beautiful.”
  • “I am strong.”
  • “I am ready to conquer the day.”

Your mantra is something you create and should be short so it is easy to remember and repeat throughout the day.  Use your mantra over and over again until you believe it. And I mean REALLY believe it!  Once you believe it, make a new mantra for yourself. Over time, these mantras you create (and the personal development you do) will help you see yourself in a different light. 

Instead of seeing the messy hair, you’ll see a hardworking mom that hasn’t gotten to shower.  Instead of seeing the pudge around your waist, you’ll see beautiful skin.  And instead of seeing the wrinkles on your face, you’ll see the laugh lines that have given you amazing memories over the years.  Remember,  you are beautiful inside and out and you have amazing gifts to share with the world.  Love yourself and your love will rub off on everyone you meet.  

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