Taking care of yourself is something I’m so incredibly passionate about! It’s probably because I didn’t take care of myself for so many years. Before I had the epiphany, I didn’t eat very well, I didn’t do things to care for my mind and I definitely did a few thingsContinue Reading

Are you a yes man? Or a yes woman? I used to be one. Well, I kind of still am. If you’re not sure, answer these questions: Do I accept every invitation that comes my way? Are you the person that everyone comes to when they need help? Do youContinue Reading

It’s Winter Skin Relief Day and I want to help you celebrate! If you live in the Northeast, like I do, Winter is upon us. And as it approaches, the temperature outside drop, while the temperatures inside increase. When this happens, the moisture in the air and our bodies deteriorates.Continue Reading

My favorite holiday is here!!!!!!!!!! I’m talking about National Splurge Day. When you think of National Splurge Day you’re probably thinking you now have the permission to go out and buy the luxury care you’ve been wanting. Well, think again…you don’t. This holiday isn’t about going out and spending tonsContinue Reading

Hi, my name is Jenn and I’m a recovering perfectionist.  Although I’m still battling with it from time to time, I have recovered. I wanted to do this post because I thought it could help someone learn how to identify perfectionism and how it is possible to overcome it. WhenContinue Reading

Is self-care really that expensive?  The answer to this question is different for everyone. You do have to be mindful about how you practice self-care because it can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Let me give you an example of how it can get expensive. Sally decides she isContinue Reading

When I think about mental health I immediately think of all the bad things – anxiety, depression, severe manic episodes, darkness and hospitalization.  A lot of people think of the bad things first too.  Someone that thinks like this may have tons of friends, be at every event or partyContinue Reading

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Some see something that can be hard to handle.  For most women, we don’t see the actual, true reflection.  Instead, we see the poorer version of ourselves.  We see the messy hair, the pudge around our waists, the wrinkled skin,Continue Reading

Sometimes you feel like you have to say no and sometimes you feel like you can’t say no.  Keep in mind, saying no can be good for your health.Facing burnout is a very real thing.  And it can be very damaging for your mind and our body.  In a past post,Continue Reading

SAD is a real thing. I’m not talking about the emotion of feeling sad.  I’m taking about Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Not everyone suffers from this, but most people experience some seasonal changes.   Where I’m from, the weather changes are not only by the seasons, but also by day to day.Continue Reading