
  • It’s Time to Clean Up Your Phone

    It’s Time to Clean Up Your Phone

    How often do you use your phone? If you’re like the average person, it’s probably a lot. But that can change…if you want it to. I’m going to take you through what the average person does and how you can clean up your phone and be more present in your life.

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  • Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Do you eat when you’re stressed? I have, and still do from time to time. On this post, I’m talking about eating when we’re stressed and what to do about it.

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  • Hot Spots for Clutter

    Hot Spots for Clutter

    Do you drop everything the minute you walk in the door? I know I do sometimes. On this post, I’ll be talking about the hot spots for clutter and how you can avoid “The Drop”.

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  • Spring Cleaning

    Spring Cleaning

    It’s about that time we begin our Spring Cleaning. But let me tell you…I’ve got […]

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  • 40 is Hard!

    40 is Hard!

    Friends, milestone birthdays can be SUPER hard. Turning 40 was a freaking struggle. I spiraled down, but was able to get out. . .thankfully.

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  • Clean Up Your Inbox

    Clean Up Your Inbox

    Get overwhelmed when you think about your inbox? I was there too. I learned how to run my Inbox instead of having it run me. I’m sharing a few tips to help you get past that feeling of stress and start to love your email again.

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  • Coming Into Your Own

    Coming Into Your Own

    Friends…I’ve turned 40. I honestly cannot even believe I’ve made it here. Looking back, I […]

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  • Do You Cuss?

    Do You Cuss?

    Do you cuss? I do from time to time. But have you ever thought about where these words come from and how they make you and others feel.

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  • Baby Steps

    Baby Steps

    Baby steps isn’t about the first steps you take as a child. It’s about breaking your goals down into more manageable tasks. Whether you reach your goal fast or slow, you’ll still hit it every time.

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  • Passing Judgement

    Passing Judgement

    I’ve seen a lot of this lately in life and on social media and it’s not sitting right with me. I’m talking about judgement. We all do it, even me. But I’m seeing it more and more and it’s making me question so much. I share my thoughts on judgement, how it feels, give you…

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