In the past, I’ve worked a desk job. That desk job doesn’t always allow for a lot of movement and healthy eating. You probably already know, but a lack of physical activity can create an onset of many health risks, but what do you do if you’re in a deskContinue Reading

Ever heard someone tell you to listen to your body?  Yup, I have heard that all the time.  Yet, how often do we really listen to it?!  Not much, I bet. Guess what? It knows what’s it’s talking about.  I used to be one of those people that didn’t listenContinue Reading

I recently I got to try out the Honeywell Console Humidifier and was so excited because I live in New England. When the temperature changes here, sometimes the air gets really dry.  As an asthmatic, the New England weather can be challenging too.  In the winter, I’m bundled up andContinue Reading

Trick-or-treat!  That’s what children say when they go to the front door on Halloween, right?  What if it had another meaning? What’s the true meaning behind the phrase? “Trick” relates to anything that is going to trick you into derailing you from your plan.  It could be the candy fromContinue Reading

I’m from the United States and “freedom” used to be something that people come to this country for.  However, as I grow up, I’m learning that freedom is not about where you live…it’s about your life and how it’s lived! In the United States, the majority of the citizens workContinue Reading

When you’re stressed, life feels like it’s caving in on you. Like the world is out to get you. But there are ways of coping. One of the things I use to manage my stress level is exercise.  And when I don’t exercise, I notice my mental health deteriorates.  OverContinue Reading

While traveling on a business trip, I read an article in Men’s Fitness magazine about something called the Meatless Monday Movement.  It made me start to think and gave me some very interesting takeaways: It takes 1,846 gallons of water to produce just one pound of beef.  It only takesContinue Reading

I had a thought today about micro-managing.  We all know it’s awful and no one likes when it is done to them, but here’s my question… Are you micro-managing yourself? Especially when it comes to your health and wellness.  You could be too hard on yourself or too laid back.Continue Reading

One of the things that I’ve always heard is practicing personal development.  I never really thought I needed it but have learned that in order to grow, both inside and out,  personal development is a MUST! What is personal development? It’s any action you take to work on improving theContinue Reading