Anxiety Sleep and What to Do About It

Let me ask you a serious question… How much sleep do you think you should get per night? most experts say anywhere between 7 hours and 9 hours of sleep per night. If you experience what I call “Anxiety Sleep” then you probably get much less. Typically I get somewhere around 5 hours a night. That being said, there are other nights that I get even more! Closer to 10 hours, if you can believe it…

After trying to tackle the sleep game for years (Yes years… Check the post from 2021!), I had an epiphany. People with anxiety just don’t sleep well. This isn’t groundbreaking news, but it is something I’m coming to terms with. Over the past year, I’ve been doing some analysis and monitoring my sleep. I’ve come to two big conclusions:

  1. People with anxiety cannot fall asleep easily
  2. People with anxiety cannot stay asleep for long periods of time

Now this is my experience but you may relate. If you’re someone that tends to struggle with falling asleep, ask yourself why. I’ve learned that I just simply can’t relax. I have too much going on, I’m stressed out and my brain just won’t stop. It’s like a ticker tape in Times Square! Don’t forget, your hormones are at work 24/7 which can cause issues too.

There are a few reasons you may be waking up in the middle of the night too! It could be a dream you’re having, distractions in and around your bedroom or the fact that you’re worrying about something. I’ve found that I worry about the next day and the rest of the week a lot. And still, those hormones are at work…

How can you stop anxiety sleep?

After years and years of research and trial and error, I’ve found a few things that work for me. I’m sharing them with you to help you make a plan for yourself and hopefully change your sleep habits.

The first thing I did was set a bedtime. Really. If you’re a parent, your child has a bedtime. But why don’t you have one? I’ve never really understood it because doing so, sets us up for success the next morning. A bedtime does more than that, though. It puts you on a schedule, gives you a routine to follow every night and even gives you something to look forward to. As I approach my bedtime, my mind starts to slow down which ultimately slows my body down. If you have no idea how to set one, make it easy. Figure out the time you want to wake up and then count back 8 hours.

The next thing I incorporated was a nightly routine. A bedtime is included in this, but it’s so. much more. I created a list of activities to help my brain realize it’s time for bed. I start by washing my face and brushing my teeth. Then, I look at my calendar, see what I have planned for the next day and brain dump anything I have on my mind. Lastly, I get in bed with my book and I start to read. These activities, specifically the brain dump, gets my brain close to zero and helps me relax.

Products to Help with Anxiety Sleep

I also have a few products I use to help me prepare for sleep. While I’m not sponsored by these companies, the links I have below do contain affiliate links. These are two items that I use every single night. Without them, I’d be lost. They are CBD sleep gummies from Soul CBD and my Serenity Stick from DoTerra. With the sleep gummies, they contain zero THC and help me all asleep in less than 30 minutes. They even keep me asleep too! The stick from DoTerra I rub on my forehead and temples and it contains just the right amount of calming oils to help me drift off to dreamland. In addition to these two products, I also have Alexa play a playlist called Instrumental Lullabies. It’s soothing and lulls me to sleep quickly.


Ok, ready for some homework? Even if you’re not, DO IT! I promise it will help. Ready? Create a routine and stick to it for 7 days. that’s it! Simple, right?! You get to come up with it and make it happen. After your 7 days are up, come back and let me know what you did and how it worked!

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