2 crystals you need in your life

I’ve been getting really into crystals.  Some call them stones or rocks, but for me, they’re crystals because that name has a stronger meaning.  The crystals I’ve been using lately are S-T-R-O-N-G!  These two have made a powerful impact on me.

What are these two stones? 

The bigger one is clear quartz.  One of the properties of clear quartz is that it brings clarity to the shadows.  Including the ones inside your head.  Have you ever had a situation where you can’t figure out which path to go down?  Clear quartz will help with that.

Clear quartz is know as a rockstar in the crystal world because it can do so much.  It’s always willing to share the limelight too!  What I mean is, it likes to work with others.  When you use crystal quartz alongside another stone, the quartz raises the energy level of the other stone.

It sure did that with the second stone I have here.  The smaller stone is moonstone.  It has the reputation of being the stone of fertility because it’s connected with the Moon and therefore a woman’s cycle.  It’s also known as a symbol of love and clarity. 

Where and how did these stones bring me clarity? 

I’ve had these two stones together on my nightstand.  I just had a gut feeling these two should be together.  After being on my nightstand for a few days, I woke up and knew that I just had a very graphic, realistic dream.  The second night, the same thing happened.  And the third night, it happened again.  I was blown away.  The first dream wasn’t too helpful, but the second and third were.  There…is my clarity!

The funny thing about crystals is, they will tell you what they need. It doesn’t work the other way around. Yes, you can choose which crystals to work with, but ultimately they have a gravitational pull on you to work with them.

Where do you get started?

My recommendation is to start learning about stones and just working with them.  You will be drawn to them.  They will call to you.  And the ones you need in your life, will come into your life.  Clear quartz is a go-to for beginners because of how much power it has.  But make sure you get a friend to go with it.  They’ll be stronger together.

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One comment 2 crystals you need in your life

[…] you want to learn more, you can read about some of my earlier crystal work. I started with quartz and moonstone, which are two of my other favorites stones. […]

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