If you live in New England, you are probably thinking – Winter.  But that’s not the season I’m talking about.  I’m referring to your stage in life.   Right now we’re knee-deep in the holiday season and it’s crazy. Everyone is shopping for presents, decorating the house, trying to figure out theContinue Reading

Having a routine can be a good thing or a bad thing.  For some, structure is key because it can keep you on track, help you stay focused on what tasks need to get done and make you feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day.  ItContinue Reading

Have you ever said this statement to yourself before?  I have and after a lot of thought, I’m able to finish the sentence.  I was healthier when I worked closer to home. It doesn’t sound like the most profound statement, but it’s true.  I’ve noticed over the past few yearsContinue Reading

In the past, I’ve worked a desk job. That desk job doesn’t always allow for a lot of movement and healthy eating. You probably already know, but a lack of physical activity can create an onset of many health risks, but what do you do if you’re in a deskContinue Reading