panic attack

Lately, I’ve had a few panic attacks. They’ve scared me… Not going to lie. But because of who I am, I’ve been analyzing them. I want to know why they’re happening. I’ve realized a few things and did what any normal person does… They go to social media to askContinue Reading

Summer is approaching. Is your stress increasing too? In this article, I’ll share why some of those jitters come on and how to handle them. Continue Reading

gift giving

Struggling with gift shopping? This season, I challenge you to use the Rule of Four. It will help you cut down on the money you spend, how many gifts you buy and how much stress and anxiety you allow into your life.Continue Reading


Is trying to be a perfectionist hurting your life? Then you need to read this post! I share more details about perfectionism, what it’s like to be an Enneagram 1 and give you a few reminders to help you on your journey.Continue Reading