Tag: happiness

RISE Healthy & Happy

Attending a conference can inspire, motivate and propel you on your personal development journey. I attended the RISE Healthy & Happy conference and I want to share my biggest takeaways with you.

It’s gratitude month

This is one of my favorite months of the year!  Maybe it’s because we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families.  Maybe it’s because we get to eat tons of yummy food.  Or …

Breakfast with Buddha

I just finished reading Breakfast with Buddha and it had a very strong reminder for me.   The book is about a man named Otto who’s parents died suddenly.  Otto has to travel halfway across the …

Life is better when you’re laughing

Isn’t life better when we laugh more?   I have looked around lately and noticed that Americans might be too focused on work. When that happens we tend to forget what is really important in …

When I grow up. . .

When you’re a kid, adults always ask you what you want to be when you grow up.  Some some an astronaut, some say a fireman and some say a veterinarian. As I’ve gotten older, that’s …

Find a new way to think

You must learn a new way to think before you can muster a new way to be. – Marianne Williamson This quote got me thinking.  In order to make our lives better and find out …

What does independence mean to you?

It’s the weekend of July 4th. I see all the posts on social media about the parties and barbecues taking place, but what I don’t see is the celebration of our freedom.  Since Independence Day …

It’s good to be happy

Ever heard that saying “It’s a good day to be happy”?  That saying could really apply to any day of the week.  Let’s take Monday, for example.  For most people, Mondays can be hard.  It’s …


I’m from the United States and “freedom” used to be something that people come to this country for.  However, as I grow up, I’m learning that freedom is not about where you live…it’s about your …