The answer can be different for everyone.  However, I would recommend it for everyone.  In this post, I share some information about meditation, some apps to help you practice the skill and how it could work for you. What is meditation anyway? The definition is the written or spoken discourseContinue Reading

One of the things I always encourage practicing is self-care.  One of my ways of practicing self-care and to live stress-free is to have monthly reiki sessions.  You may be asking yourself “What is reiki?”  Well, you’re in luck because I’m going to give you a little overview of whatContinue Reading

Back in 2013, I ran my first 5K.  While I’ve never been a runner, I decided to run a 5K that involved obstacles because that was more my speed.  Here’s a pic from that race: Yup, totally looks like I’m conquering all, doesn’t it?!  This race was called Tuff ScramblerContinue Reading

One thing I’ve been noticing lately (a lot lately) is how the American population tends to always be on the go all the time. With no rest or relaxation too!  Whether they’re working at their 9-5, participating in family obligations or just doing meaningless activities that don’t necessarily add value to theirContinue Reading

Not sure where or what you can eat? Author David Zinczenko can help with that. In his book, he tells you where to eat, how to decode the menu and more!Continue Reading

Have you ever really thought about “your story”?  I hadn’t really given it much thought.  A few years ago, I was asked to share my story and I had to really think back.   It all starts where everyone’s story starts. . .birth. I was born with asthma.  No one knewContinue Reading

In the past, I’ve worked a desk job. That desk job doesn’t always allow for a lot of movement and healthy eating. You probably already know, but a lack of physical activity can create an onset of many health risks, but what do you do if you’re in a deskContinue Reading