Category: Podcast

Female Heroes – Who are Yours?

What does it take to be a hero? While we do have Superman, there are so many other strong, confident females that we can call a hero.

My 100th Episode

I honestly wasn’t sure if I’d get here. On this episode, I’m sharing 5 things I’ve learned from doing 100 episodes.

Turning 43: 43 Life Lessons to Live By

It’s my birthday week and I’m turning 43! Yup, I can’t believe it either. Since life has been very challenging lately, I thought I’d have some fun and share 43 things I’ve learned in 43 …

Fitting in to the World’s Ideals is TRASH!

I hardly ever write about this topic but I wanted to bring it up because I haven’t been feeling great about myself lately. Especially my appearance! And I’m sure I’m not the only one. As …

Boss Lady is OUT!

I’m not a fan of the term “boss lady”. I never have been. Whether you say “boss lady”, “girl boss” or some interchangeable term, they’re all the same. They insinuate a certain tone, attitude, and …

Are You Living on Autopilot?

I feel like I’ve been living on autopilot for awhile now. One I just woke up and had this gut feeling that something had to change.

Panic Attacks & What to Do

Lately, I’ve had a few panic attacks. They’ve scared me… Not going to lie. But because of who I am, I’ve been analyzing them. I want to know why they’re happening. I’ve realized a few …

Are You Going the Extra Mile?

I have a love/hate relationship with one particular phrase. That phrase is “Going the extra mile”. I’m sure you’ve heard it before, but have you ever thought about what it actually means? It refers to …

The Ugly Side of Being a VA

I’ve only been running my business for a little over a year being a VA, but MAN have I learned a lot! Here’s the good, bad and the ugly.

Thinking of hiring a VA?

Have you been thinking about hiring someone to help you with your day-to-day tasks? Maybe a virtual assistant (“VA”) or a digital marketing assistant (“DMA”)? If you answer with a resounding “Yes!” to that question, …