
  • Perfectionism


    Is trying to be a perfectionist hurting your life? Then you need to read this post! I share more details about perfectionism, what it’s like to be an Enneagram 1 and give you a few reminders to help you on your journey.

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  • Managing Debt

    Managing Debt

    Getting out of debt is hard but is doable! I’m giving you tips that worked for us and reminding you, that you CAN do this!

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  • Financial Organization

    Financial Organization

    Disorganization doesn’t just apply to the physical items around you. You can be disorganized financially too! We were and literally had no idea where our money was going. I’m sharing a bit of my financial history and the things we did to get us straightened out.

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  • Myths About Mental Health

    Myths About Mental Health

    The conversation about mental health is coming to the forefront of our world and a few myths need to be dispelled.

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  • Oils for Stress

    Oils for Stress

    Ever gotten stressed and wished you could grab something natural? Here are a few essential oils for stress that can help!

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  • Sleep


    Good sleep should be a priority! Learn how much you should get, what can affect a sleep, how to set the scene and what to do to create a night time routine.

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  • Organize Your Life – The Book

    Organize Your Life – The Book

    Writing a book is hard, but it’s something I have always wanted to do. Here’s what it’s about and the challenges I encountered along the way.

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  • Take Out the Trash

    Take Out the Trash

    Toxic relationships are the bane of our existence and can be thrown away like the trash. In this post, I’ll give you 5 examples of toxic people, how to identify them and how to remove them from your life.

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  • It’s Time to Clean Up Your Phone

    It’s Time to Clean Up Your Phone

    How often do you use your phone? If you’re like the average person, it’s probably a lot. But that can change…if you want it to. I’m going to take you through what the average person does and how you can clean up your phone and be more present in your life.

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  • Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Confessions of an Emotional Eater

    Do you eat when you’re stressed? I have, and still do from time to time. On this post, I’m talking about eating when we’re stressed and what to do about it.

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