Tag: goals

Quarterly Planning

It’s the end of 2022 and it’s the perfect time to start planning for next year. But this year, I want you to think about quarterly planning.

Baby Steps

Baby steps isn’t about the first steps you take as a child. It’s about breaking your goals down into more manageable tasks. Whether you reach your goal fast or slow, you’ll still hit it every time.

New year, new you

We say it every year, right? “This year is going to be different.” “New Year, New Me.” But can we make it true? Can we actually make changes to make a new me? I think …

Are You a Micro-Manager?

I had a thought today about micro-managing.  We all know it’s awful and no one likes when it is done to them, but here’s my question… Are you micro-managing yourself? Especially when it comes to …