
Screen Time

How much screen time is too much? While this answer is different for everyone, I’m wondering if you’ve ever asked yourself this.


We are Always Learning

One thing you will always hear me say is that I’m not an expert at anything. There’s a reason for this. I believe we are always learning.

we don't deserve pets

We Don’t Deserve Pets

I truly believe we don’t deserve pets. When I became an adult and got a pet, I realized how important it was to actually have one.

accidents happen

Accidents Happen

Accidents happen to all of us. Unfortunately, none of us live a life that is perfect, pain free, and all puppies and rainbows.


Work Life Balance is a Joke!

I recently heard someone say that work life balance is a joke. At first, I thought they were off his rocker. But then I started thinking.

song lyrics

What’s Your Theme Song?

My husband is always trying to get me to go to karaoke and belt out my theme song. I’m not sure why but it has made me think of something.

be kind on a laptop

Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Week is one of my favorite weeks every year. It’s a helpful reminder to be kind to each other!


Story of a Recovering Perfectionist

Hi, my name is Jenn and I’m a recovering perfectionist. I’m still battling with it from time to time, but I have recovered. Here’s how.

jumping with an umbrella

What I learned from Mary Poppins

We all know the story of Mary Poppins. It’s just a story, with great characters and a wonderful concept, it also has many learning lessons.

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