season of life

What Season of Life are You In?

When you think about seasons, you immediately jump to spring, summer, winter, and fall. But have you thought of the seasons of life?

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

It’s Gratitude Month!

November is one of my favorite months of the year! The main reason is because most people start to experiernce gratitude.

front doors

Keeping Up With the Joneses

Keeping up with the Joneses is not everything it’s cracked up to be. The saying has been burning a fire so I’m sharing my thoughts with you.


Is football ruining your relationship?

It’s just about fall and that means football season is right around the corner. For some, that means the sport will take over our life.

Life's Little Instruction Book

Where’s the Instruction Manual?

Some days, I wish there was an instruction manual for life. Especially on days that are just plain hard and you need guidance.


Self-Care Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

Consider self-care to be expensive? I don’t and in this post, I’m sharing how you can be mindful about your practice if you’re on a budget.

no excuses

No More Excuses

“Excuses are like buttholes, everyone has one.” Ever heard that saying? It’s true and that’s why you need to have no more excuses.


Teachable Moments

I’ve always believed that life gives us the lessons we need to move forward. They’re called teachable moments. Today, I’m sharing one of mine.

I was healthier when

I was Healthier When…

I think about this a lot and I always come up with a variety of reasons to finish the sentence “I was healthier when…”

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