Accidents happen to all of us. Unfortunately, none of us live a life that is perfect, pain free and all puppies and rainbows. Recently, I had an accident and I thought I knew how I’d react…but I was totally wrong. The type of accident I had was a car accident.Continue Reading

I recently heard someone say that balance is a joke. At first, I thought he was off his rocker. But then I got thinking. About a year and a half ago, I believed in something called “Work/Life Balance”. I believed that having a balance between both worlds was achievable andContinue Reading

My husband is always trying to get me to go to karaoke. I’m not sure if it’s because he just wants to watch, he wants to sing or if he wants me to sing and get out of my comfort zone. But the fact that he keeps asking has madeContinue Reading

Random Acts of Kindness Week is here and it’s one of my favorite weeks every year. It’s a good reminder to be kind to each other, but it’s also because it’s a week where we get to recognize each other for doing something amazing. Being kind IS amazing! The officialContinue Reading

Hi, my name is Jenn and I’m a recovering perfectionist.  Although I’m still battling with it from time to time, I have recovered. I wanted to do this post because I thought it could help someone learn how to identify perfectionism and how it is possible to overcome it. WhenContinue Reading

We all know the story of Mary Poppins. A family needs help because life gets in the way and this woman magically falls from the sky to help in any way she can. Although it’s just a story, with great characters and a wonderful concept, it also has many learningContinue Reading

If you live in New England, you are probably thinking – Winter.  But that’s not the season I’m talking about.  I’m referring to your stage in life.   Right now we’re knee-deep in the holiday season and it’s crazy. Everyone is shopping for presents, decorating the house, trying to figure out theContinue Reading

This is one of my favorite months of the year!  Maybe it’s because we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families.  Maybe it’s because we get to eat tons of yummy food.  Or maybe it’s because it’s when we start to plan for the year ahead. The mainContinue Reading

I read an article this week that was shocking and that was my first reaction!  I laughed and then felt vindicated, like someone had FINALLY understood what I’ve been saying for years.  But then I felt bad because the target of the article was made to look bad, even thoughContinue Reading

They’re not everything they seem. I’ve always compared myself to others.  I’m not sure why, but the saying “Keeping up with the Joneses” has been burning a fire in me lately.  It’s burning so hot and bright that I had to share my thoughts with you. We all have thoseContinue Reading