woman celebrating

7 ways to celebrate your life

Each year, millions of people set resolutions. Many of those people will never complete these resolutions because they mess up […]


Stress Awareness Day 2019

It’s National Stress Awareness Day! And I want to know two things. . . Are you aware of your stress


No one talks about this. . .

I’m talking about a period. No one seems to talk about this subject. It’s something all women live with, but


I really want that!

Ever said this to yourself or someone else? I know I have. When I look back on the times I’ve


How are you sleeping?

I’ve always been one to toss and turn. Like, constantly throughout the night. I thought it was normal and most

rainy days

Rainy Days

Rainy days are my favorite! Many people do not like it when it rains and I was once like many people. But I grew to like the rainy days.


Post-Injury Life

Getting back to “real life” is hard post-injury. Especially if you want your exercise routine back. It wasn’t fun.


Is Journaling Right for ou?

Journaling has always been a challenge for me. I love the idea but I’ve found it so much easier to start with one.

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