Why You Should Go to a Conference Every Year

I’m a BIG fan of conferences for so many reasons! They can educate you, they can lift you up and motivate you and they can connect you with people you would never have met unless you went to the conference. So why attend one? Well, I’m going to get into that and a bit more. . .

Types of Conferences

There are many different types of conferences you can attend. The topics and speakers can vary but some of the most popular are the personal development, financial, relationship and marriage and social media conferences. Every business industry out there even has their own conference to help people learn about the industry or company.

Personally, I’ve been to a few different types of conferences. Each one I’ve gotten something different from and each one has benefited me greatly.

  • At the financial conference, I learned about money management and how to pay off my debt faster.
  • I went to a business conference where I received guidance on how to work my multi-level marketing business.
  • I’ve even been to a wellness conference where I learned about nutrition and holistic wellness.
  • My favorite type, though, is the personal development conference.

The ticket prices varies drastically for these conferences. Some you can attend for free and others have a hefty cost associated with it. The speakers vary at these conferences too, especially with relation to the fee for the conference.

What Can a Conference Do for You

A conference can educate you and provide incite into a topic you’re interested in. In the past, I’ve attended a financial conference where I wanted to learn about money management, a conference with IIN where I learned about holistic nutrition and a personal development conference where I learned that my past does not define me.

The speakers can motivate and inspire you. At each conference I’ve ever attended, there was always one or two speakers that said something that touched me to my core. Their words rocked me and lit a fire that burned so bright it made me want to reach for more.

You can learn tactical action steps to move forward and make progress on your goals. At the last conference I went to, I was given tips to help me deal with my past, move forward and heal. I even learned tips on managing my time, how saying no can be a good thing and that each of us matters and that we should take up space.

At a conference, whether in person or virtually, you can connect with like-minded people and form communities that provide support. I have met lifelong friends and people I would call my sisters at conferences in the past. The people that attend conferences are there for similar reasons and the support amongst the attendees can be powerful.

You can feel feelings you weren’t aware were under the surface at a conference too. I can distinctly remember how I felt meditating at the IIN conference or when I shared things I wasn’t entirely comfortable sharing but did so anyway. Conferences make you listen to your emotions and learn from them.

Why You Need to Attend at Least One Conference Each Year

Well, for starters, it’s good for you. A conference helps you heal your heart, grow your mind and fill your soul. Since I started attending them a few years ago, my life has changed dramatically.

If you live with any type of mental health issue (anxiety, depression, low self-esteem or low self-confidence, etc.), conferences can lie you up, inspire you and help you keep moving forward.

Conferences also force you to keep learning and not stay stagnant. When you get the opportunity to learn something new, there’s a teeny tiny spark that grows and makes you want to keep learning. That continuous yearn for knowledge sometimes helps you take a step you were afraid to before too.

I’ve been at conferences where I hear one thing that makes me flip a switch. The speaker helps me make the decision to change my mindset on a goal or a dream I’ve had on my heart for some time. A conference can keep you on the path you’re supposed to be on or adjust your path.

The best part about attending a conference is that they remind you that learning can be fun. You don’t have to just be in a lecture hall or reading a book to learn something. You can dance, sing, laugh and cry and be learning the whole time you’re doing it.

So Will You Attend a Conference Next Year?

If you haven’t attended a conference in the past, after reading this post, are you considering attending one next year? Let me know which one you want to attend in the comments and maybe we’ll be in community together.

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