forest road

Lost, But Finding Yourself

Have you ever felt lost? Over the course of my life, I’ve realized just how much effort it takes when start finding yourself.

short girl

Short Girl Problems

As a short girl, I’ve had a lot of challenges in life. None of them have stopped me, though. If you’re less than 5′, here’s some tips.


Why is Everyone Rushing?

When I originally wrote this back in 2017, I was shocked at how fast-paced things were. Today, I still wonder why people are rushing so much.

own your weird

Own Your Weird

I’m a self-proclaimed weirdo. So when I saw “Own your weird”, I kind of know what I’m talking about. Here’s why.


Sorry… Not sorry…

Do you say the word “sorry” a lot? I know I do and something I’ve realized is that more women say it than men.

new way to think

A New Way to Think

To make our lives better, we need to find out who we really are. And on top of that, we must change our mindset and find a new way to think.

thrift shop

Thrifting: Look Great, Save Money

Ever heard of thrifting? It’s when you shop second hand and it’s great way to help your fashion-game and your wallet.


It’s All About Balance

Something I’ve always heard about is the concept of “work/life balance”. The fact is, that’s something incredibly hard to achieve.

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