light bulb

100 Things to Throw Away

Throwing away things can be tough, I know. I found a list of 100 things to throw away and I’m sharing five with you that I think are game changers.

folding clothes

Activities for Organizing

Welcome to the first post of 2023! Can you believe how fast the holidays flew by?! When I’m writing this,

Scrabble tiles who are you

Personality Traits

Have you ever taken the Myer’s Briggs? I have multiple times but this time around it taught me even more. I think you should take it too!


2 Truths, 1 Lie

Do you remember the game “2 Truths, 1 Lie”? It’s a game that many of us played as kids where

feeling freedom

Free Stuff

Ever used the phrase “If it’s free, it’s for me!”? Yup, me too! As I’ve grown and become a business owner, my thoughts on that phrase have changed. I’m sharing those with you today and hope they help you change your perspective too.

keyboard warrior

Admin Life

Over the past 5 years I’ve learned a lot as an admin. I’m sharing 5 things I’ve learned over the years and giving my fellow admins a bit of advice too.

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