When you’re a kid, adults always ask you what you want to be when you grow up. Some some an astronaut, some say a fireman and some say a veterinarian.
As I’ve gotten older, that’s one thing I’ve noticed one important thing about this question that gets asked. Not many people say they want to be happy. It’s sad but I have a feeling many people don’t even know what happy really means. As kids, we have it made! We gt to play with our friends, learn new things in school and don’t have to get up and go to work every day. But part of America’s culture is that we have to grow up, get a job and start making money to better yourself. I know this is how it was for me. And now looking back, I realize it was a good thing, but it was also a downfall too.
I think we grow up too fast in America and as a result, we don’t get to know what happy really feels like. We all have our own definition of happy but as I get older, I am realizing that’s my ultimate goal. And for me, that’s living a life that has more meaning. It’s about giving back to my community and leaving my footprint on this planet.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
You might still say a profession, but whatever it is make sure you really go after it. Give it everything you’ve got to truly be what you want in life and don’t let anything stop you! If you don’t know the answer to this question, do some personal digging. Find out what you love and what you wanted to do when you were little. See how that relates to you as an adult. Remember, you only have one life to live so live it to the fullest!
And please, share with my what you wanted to be when you grew up! I’d love to hear your childhood dream and help you relate it to your life today.