What Season are You In?

If you live in New England, you are probably thinking – Winter.  But that’s not the season I’m talking about.  I’m referring to your stage in life.  

Right now we’re knee-deep in the holiday season and it’s crazy. Everyone is shopping for presents, decorating the house, trying to figure out the holiday meal and that means leaving behind a lot of things that should be priorities.  The season can be one of stability for many.

Right now, it’s about surviving.  It’s about coasting and getting through the end of the year.  During this last quarter of the year, many people eliminate a lot of their scheduling, a lot of their priorities and just stop doing the things they should.  For some reason, this happens every year.  We go blank and almost want to give up.  

Are you feeling like this?

Feeling like you’re just floating on the surface is normal from time to time.  As humans, we don’t have the energy or power go give 110% all the time.  It’s just not possible.  How do we start back up again when we’re in this position?  We create systems!  

I created a system for 2019 and I want to share it with you.  It’s a system of actions done repeatedly, every day, in the hopes that habits will form and this blank space won’t continue next year.  You may need to tweak this for your own needs, but it’s a place to start.  

TimeActions to Take Place
6:30 AMWake up
6:45 AMReview daily schedule
**In office, no distractions**
7:00 AM10min meditation
**In office, no distractions**
7:10 AMShower / Get ready for the day
7:45 AMBreakfast
9:00 AM – 2:00 PMWork at my part time job
2:30 – 4:00 PMWork my passion
**Work at a local coffee shop**
4:30 PMGym time
5:30 PMDinner
6:30 – 8:00 PMTV time
8:00 – 8:30 PMPlan for the next day / Journaling
**In office, no distractions**
8:30 – 9:30 PMReading time
9:30 PM – 6:30 AMSleep

It looks like a schedule, but it truly is a system.  By sticking to this routine each day, I’ll have a better chance of not having the blank space during the last quarter.  

You’re probably saying to yourself “Every day cannot look like this!” You’re right!  Times might shift and actions might shift but that’s ok!  If you make a schedule like this for yourself, aim for four (4) days a week to be spot on.  The other days you can change out the actions with appointments and such.  Be flexible with yourself!  This is a tool and tools are meant to evolve and shift.  This system will evolve.

Now that you’ve seen the system I’ve created, take some time to create your system.  Does it look like a schedule?  Does it have boundaries?  Is it specific?  Do you have support from others in your household to make it work?  Only you can answer these questions, but if you need a sounding board, you know I’m here.  I can’t wait to hear about your system!

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