UPDATED 03/03/2025
Routines can be great! But they can also be a hinderance. Structure is key when it comes to staying on track and maintaining your focus. Think about it. When you accomplish all the things on your list, how do you feel at the end of the day? And how do you feel when you don’t? While you might feel a sense of freedom by not having routines, I challenge you to consider creating one. To help you understand, I’m sharing my experiences when it comes to routines. Let’s start with my life in the past.
I used to have a very restrictive lifestyle. Because I was out of the house for a minimum of 12 hours, I had to plan everything. To make my life easier, I would prepare for my day the night before. I would pack my lunch, lay out my clothes for the next day, and I’d make sure I had everything I would need for my early morning commute in my backpack. Plus, before I left work for the day, I’d write out all the things I wanted to accomplish the next day. It was restrictive and challenging, but it worked.
There was just one problem with this routine-I only had four hours to myself every day and that doesn’t include sleep. I needed to be extremely intentional with my plans if I was to get everything on my list done. Yes, I was productive but other areas of my life suffered. I couldn’t attend family gatherings and my relationship with my husband suffered a bit. Having this type was very stressful and I eventually got tired of it. I wanted routine, but not this life changing type of routine.
Eventually, I choose a different path. I left my full time corporate job and began working part time. As a bonus, I was closer to home which meant there was no more 5:45am train to work. No became a word that I said often and I became a home body. I found a tribe of friends that understood what it would take to build a business, even if that meant I had to schedule everything. For me, spending time with people became more about adding value, not just letting the time tick by.
After making these changes, I temporarily let myself go a bit. I didn’t see it right away, but I noticed it after a few months. Instead of having incredibly planned out days, I had the luxury of choosing what I wanted to do. But slowly. I came to realize how important routines are. My old lifestyle was in my comfort zone. But I knew if I went there, I wouldn’t feel as free.
So here’s what I decided to do. I took what I liked from each method. I want freedom, but I also crave structure and blending them was the perfect solution. Additionally, challenges need to be a part of my routines in order to keep me motivated to get things done and stay on track for my goals. And guess what? Creating my own idea of how to live my life still allowed me to have a full, free life. I had to go through trial and error a number of times before I came to this result. If you haven’t found your ideal routine yet, keep investigating and don’t get discouraged. You will find it. It’s just a matter of time.