Listen to Your Body

Ever hear someone tell you to listen to your body? I hear it all the time. From friends… From my therapist… From myself… Yet, how often do I really listen? Not much. And I bet you’re in the same boat. But here’s the thing… Almost no one is talking about this.

Do I really need to listen?

The honest answer is a resounding “YES”! I used to be one of those people that hardly ever listened and it kicked my butt more than once or twice. Here’s just one example:

From time to time, my lymph nodes swell under my chin. Sometimes they were almost the size of large grapes. They hurt, they were sensitive to the touch and when they “popped”, I would feel exhausted. But instead of listening to my body trying to tell me I needed rest, I would push through. Instead of slowing down, I would keep doing my workouts, going to work, and working on my side hustles when I got home. I bet I will not be the first to tell you this is not the right way to do things.

Once I figured out what was happening, I started listening. And I’m so glad I did because that swelling ended up being an infection. It was a wake up call that no human being was going to give me. It was my body’s way of telling me that I needed to slow down.

What I do today

Even today, life gets crazy. I no longer work a full time job, but I run my own business and I’m working more than ever. And even though I don’t have children, I have two dogs that need tending to, a house that needs cleaning and a husband that needs my help. Plus, there’s the friends and family we want to see but never do. Time is thin and it is the only constant.

If you’re like me, you’re probably one of those people pushing the pedal all the way to the floor. You’re going 120mph in a 65mph zone and you need to lighten it up a bit. My husband and I all it “Going Pell Mel”. When I recognize I’m in this zone, I stop and walk away. I force myself to slow down and rest. It’s freakin’ hard too! But if I didn’t, I’d get sick more often.

Most of us want everything life has to offer us, which is good. But seeing the bigger picture is important too. Is it really worth going Pell Mel just to end up sick and tired?I’m not so sure anymore.

If you’ve read this far, I want you to consider something. Try taking just one day each week for you and only you. I call it a “Do Nothing Day”. Nothing is scheduled, there is no plan and you go with the flow. It will help you relax, recover and be ready to support not only the people around you but also yourself. Leave a comment with when you’ll be taking on your next “Do Nothing Day”.

The Mindful Virtual Assistant

My mission is to empower individuals to launch their side hustle and transform it into a thriving, successful business.

I provide tailored packages for business owners in New England and across the U.S., offering administrative, marketing, and operations support designed to meet your unique needs.

Jenn Mullen holds degrees in Psychology and Business Management, as well as a certification in healthy and wellness coaching. She combines over a decade of corporate experience with more than five years of small business expertise, bringing a unique blend of skills and insight to her work. Beyond her expertise, she’s a high-energy, passionate individual with ADHD who thrives on staying organized, bringing laughter to every project, and finding joy in the work she loves.

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