It’s gratitude month

This is one of my favorite months of the year!  Maybe it’s because we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families.  Maybe it’s because we get to eat tons of yummy food.  Or maybe it’s because it’s when we start to plan for the year ahead. The main reason I love this month is because it’s the month most people start to look around them and see everything the world has to offer.

Gratitude is this magical thing that we don’t talk about.

Some of us don’t even acknowledge being grateful for things.  When we open our eyes and ears, we start to pay attention and see the world in a different light.  We see how many good things are around us and understand that what we have, is all that we need.  We notice that we’re grateful for having food in our refrigerators, for having clothes to put on our bodies and to be able to give back to help others in need.  We are grateful for feeling soreness when we workout and for tears that need to flow when our hearts need a break.  When we’re grateful, we change, we evolve and we become better people.

That’s why I decided to put a challenge out there.

Every day this month, I’ll be sharing what I am grateful for.  And I want you to join in!  On my Facebook page each day, you’ll find a post that shares what I’m grateful for that day. I want you to join me and comment on my post with what you’re grateful for that day.  Simple as that!

Doing this small act of finding something to be grateful for each day will change you.  You’ll change your outlook on life, change your mindset and ultimately become a healthier, happier person.  

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