Fear is…

UPDATED 02/21/2025

What exactly is fear? To some, it’s just a road block. Others might think it’s a huge hurdle to get over. Either way, it can scary. Sometimes, fear takes over completely. It can push us, hold us back, and delay our actions.

Fear used to make me afraid-afraid of a lot of things. I was scared to make new friends, to talk to stranger, to go places I was unfamiliar with, etc. There’s a lot on the list. Over time, as I’ve gotten older, that list has gotten shorter. But it takes lots of work to get here. This is what I did to push through the fear and get where I am today.

First, I needed to look inward. I took a really good look at myself. Personal development was something I needed to do every week. I would read all the books I could get my hands on and listen to lots of podcasts on my commute to work. Journaling even became something I enjoyed. These small actions helped me continue to climb that mountain and helped me realize what I wanted. They helped me figure out who I was and what my dreams were. And I found a new mantra:

False evidence appearing real.

This mantra has helped me get through so many scary situations. It’s taught me to feel my feelings and do it anyway. Let’s break it down:

F=False. When you feel fear, typically it’s because you don’t have all the information.
E=Evidence. What is telling you that whatever action you’re taking (or about to take) is actually scary?
A=Appearing. Whatever you’re seeing, it appears as though it’s scary. But remember you don’t have all the evidence yet.
R=Real. Now you’re at the moment when you get the details. Only now can you decide what’s accurate.

So back to that question. What exactly IS fear? For each person, it’s different. We all need to figure out how to conquer our own demons on our own terms. When you figure out what it means for you, you’ll quickly learn how to kick it out of the house. And trust me when I say, it feels amazing!

The Mindful Virtual Assistant

My mission is to empower individuals to launch their side hustle and transform it into a thriving, successful business.

I provide tailored packages for business owners in New England and across the U.S., offering administrative, marketing, and operations support designed to meet your unique needs.

Jenn Mullen holds degrees in Psychology and Business Management, as well as a certification in healthy and wellness coaching. She combines over a decade of corporate experience with more than five years of small business expertise, bringing a unique blend of skills and insight to her work. Beyond her expertise, she’s a high-energy, passionate individual with ADHD who thrives on staying organized, bringing laughter to every project, and finding joy in the work she loves.

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