Category: Blog

Self-doubt is Real Sometimes

Sometimes, my self-doubt is real.  It creeps in and sometimes it’s terrifying. Do you have self-doubt?  You may have self-doubt and not even realize it. If you don’t, I commend you! I’m being totally vulnerable here, but …

Life is better when you’re laughing

Isn’t life better when we laugh more?   I have looked around lately and noticed that Americans might be too focused on work. When that happens we tend to forget what is really important in …

Time is on Our Side

Using your time wisely is a skill that can be learned and strengthened over time. With these simple steps, you can take control over your time!

Wow. . .What a Week!

Wow!  What a crazy week! I honestly don’t think my emotions can’t handle anymore.  It all exploded after my workout tonight. This is what I looked like.  I totally broke down.  I’m was done.  Exhausted …

When I grow up. . .

When you’re a kid, adults always ask you what you want to be when you grow up.  Some some an astronaut, some say a fireman and some say a veterinarian. As I’ve gotten older, that’s …

Cut down on the plastic

I was a plastic user for years.  I grew up in a household chock full of Tupperware and Rubbermaid, just to name a few.  The containers worked for food storage and household storage.  Back then, …

Lost, But I’m Found

Have you ever felt lost?  I know I have.   Lately I’ve been looking at my life and realizing how crazy things are.  Despite how busy I feel, I’ve been feeling very alone lately.  Let …

Short girl problems

Has any of this ever happened to you? If the answer is yes, then you must be a short girl like me.  I’m only 4’10” and trust me, I’ve heard all the sayings… “God only …

Why is everyone rushing?

Why does everyone always seem to be rushing? In a big city, everything seems to be so fast paced.  Everyone works through their lunch and never seems to stop.  Why? I’ve been asking myself this …

I’m a little weird

I am a self-proclaimed weirdo. So what?!  You’re probably thinking two things: A – She’s crazy!  She looks like she’s got her shit together! OR B – I get it.  I’m like her. If you’re …