Category: Blog

Self-Care Doesn’t Have to be Expensive

Is self-care really that expensive?  The answer to this question is different for everyone. You do have to be mindful about how you practice self-care because it can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. Let …

Routines Can be Good or Bad

Having a routine can be a good thing or a bad thing.  For some, structure is key because it can keep you on track, help you stay focused on what tasks need to get done …


“Excuses are like [insert expletive here], everyone has one.”  It’s true! Some may have more than one excuse too.  Lately I’ve been realizing that I cannot get some things accomplished.  Things like working out at …

How’s Your Mental Health?

When I think about mental health I immediately think of all the bad things – anxiety, depression, severe manic episodes, darkness and hospitalization.  A lot of people think of the bad things first too.  Someone …

Fruit Salsa

Need a go-to treat for those summer parties? Enjoy this delicious fruit salsa! This does have some sweetness, but not nearly the amount of guilt.

Do you know your asthma zones?

Do you know your asthma zones?  If you don’t, you might need to do some research on yourself… If you already know your asthma zones, you’re in great shape! If not, here’s a guide to …


Should you add supplements to your nutrition? It’s a hard question to answer.  My clients ask me all the time what they should take.  As a coach, I cannot prescribe any medications, including supplements.  However, …

Wanna date?

No, I don’t mean me.  I mean your partner, your spouse, your significant other, your best friend, etc. Dating is not just about love, but it’s also about relationships. When I use the word “date”, …

Teachable moments

Have you had a teachable moment?  Let me tell you about the one I had. I was at my day job and was doing a new task.  I was getting frustrated because I was watching …