social media detox

Take a social media break

It’s the New Year.  Anyone else feel refreshed?  I know I do.  It’s because I took a social media break […]

candy cane heart

Holiday Stress

We’re in the midst of the holidays and I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to feel it.  The


Breakfast with Buddha

I just finished reading Breakfast with Buddha and it had a very strong reminder for me.   The book is about

Nap Time!

Ahhh, nap time. It’s amazing, isn’t it?! How many of us actually get a chance to take advantage of a

keep calm road sign

Keep Calm and…

Around the holidays, we all tend to get a little stressed. Sometimes our lives even get out of control.  We

pajama day

Pajama Day

Today, I stayed in my pajamas.  All day.  Yup! All. . .freakin’…day! And I’m totally cool with it.  Why?  Because

Don’t be a robot. . .

Do you ever feel like you’re in a long line of robots, just going through the motions, day in and

self doubt

Self-doubt is Real Sometimes

Sometimes, my self-doubt is real.  It creeps in and sometimes it’s terrifying. Do you have self-doubt?  You may have self-doubt

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