Category: Blog

I really want that!

Ever said this to yourself or someone else? I know I have. When I look back on the times I’ve said this, in many cases, the things that I wanted were frivolous or material. After …

How are you sleeping?

I’ve always been one to toss and turn. Like, constantly throughout the night. I thought it was normal and most people slept like this too. Turns out, I was right. But at the same time, …

3 tips for working through the Summer blues

Anyone else have a case of the Summer Blues? The weather is just starting to be amazing and I’m over here being all… Why? I’m not exactly sure. If you’re new to Just Live Mindfully, …

It’s the Best Day of the Year!

My favorite holiday is here!!!!!!!!!! I’m talking about National Splurge Day. When you think of National Splurge Day you’re probably thinking you now have the permission to go out and buy the luxury care you’ve …

Rainy Days

Do you like rainy days? Many people don’t. I live in New England and although we get a variety of all seasons, my favorite weather is 70s and sunny or 60s and rainy. But I …

Post Injury Life

Ever had an injury that completely halted your exercise routine? Last year I did and it shattered my world. I didn’t break a leg, but I did have to stop doing my favorite workout. Let …

Is journaling right for you?

I ask that question.because I always wanted it to be and just recently I came to the conclusion that it was not. Sad, but true. UNLESS…I have one key piece of information. A prompt. A …

Screen time

How much screen time is too much? While this answer is different for everyone, I’m wondering if you’ve ever asked yourself this. I noticed this for myself this weekend and I had the feeling I …

Do you suffer from ABL?

It’s true! We all have something we live with. ABL is one of those things that is not only a big part of my life, but a part of those around me too. And not …

Connect or Re-connect

That is the question. We all have relationships that have been strong, wavered or even fallen apart. And some of us may have even had relationships that seem to stand the test of time. Regardless …