Category: Blog

5 Ways to Deal With Stress

We all experience stress. Some handle it much better than others. As a Coach, I even experience stress. Sometimes I handle it well and other times I don’t. But over the years, I’ve learned 5 …

5 Systems That Work

Systems work wonders! They help create efficiency and add a sense of normalcy to our lives. In this post, I share my Top 5 Systems That Work!

National Granola Bar Day!

It’s National Granola Bar Day! I want to help you celebrate with these homemade granola bar recipes. They’re tasty and healthy too! Enjoy!

Love the Skin You’re In!

It’s Winter Skin Relief Day and I want to help you celebrate! If you live in the Northeast, like I do, Winter is upon us. And as it approaches, the temperature outside drop, while the …

7 ways to celebrate your life

Each year, millions of people set resolutions. Many of those people will never complete these resolutions because they mess up once and decide to give up. It may be because they lose motivation or because …

Why I’m not having a Black Friday sale

While I’m not sure about other countries, Black Friday sales are HUGE in America. Everyone seems to have them and a lot of stores release them early now. Some even start their sales on Thursday …

Stress Awareness Day 2019

It’s National Stress Awareness Day! And I want to know two things. . . Are you aware of your stress levels? What are some of your symptoms you experience with stress? If you’re not aware …

4 ways shungite can improve your life

Shungite is a powerful stone I’ve been working with lately and I want you to know all about it. It has improved my life tremendously and I think it can improve yours too! Below are …

Podcasts I’m feeling right now

I don’t know about you but I LOVE podcasts! Podcasts are one of my favorite things to listen to because they truly fill my cup. If you have never listened to a podcast before, think …

No one talks about this. . .

I’m talking about a period. No one seems to talk about this subject. It’s something all women live with, but it’s still taboo. It’s been around since the existence of Adam and Eve, well, more …