Category: Blog

Take a social media break

It’s the New Year.  Anyone else feel refreshed?  I know I do.  It’s because I took a social media break over the holidays. Most of us in this world check our social media every single …

Top 10 gifts for asthmatics

Trying to get those last minute gifts for the holidays?  You might have people in your life that are super hard to buy for too.  You might even have some health conscious people in your …

Holiday Stress

We’re in the midst of the holidays and I don’t know about you, but I’m starting to feel it.  The stress, anxiety and pressure.  A lot of us feel these things during the holidays. You …

What’s inflammation?

Inflammation is the big buzz word. It happens because of what we eat and how we treat our bodies. Prepping your food is one way you can help prevent it.

Breakfast with Buddha

I just finished reading Breakfast with Buddha and it had a very strong reminder for me.   The book is about a man named Otto who’s parents died suddenly.  Otto has to travel halfway across the …

Nap Time!

Ahhh, nap time. It’s amazing, isn’t it?! How many of us actually get a chance to take advantage of a nap?  I bet not many.  The unfortunate thing about this is, we might not know …

Keep Calm and…

Around the holidays, we all tend to get a little stressed. Sometimes our lives even get out of control.  We tend to lose a little bit of our focus and deter from the path we’re …

Pajama Day

Today, I stayed in my pajamas.  All day.  Yup! All. . .freakin’…day! And I’m totally cool with it.  Why?  Because I was able to get a TON of stuff done. I had a healthy breakfast. …

5 exercise myths you need to be aware of

“Feel the Burn”!  I’m sure you’ve heard it! I remember hearing that [A LOT!] when I first started working out.  I thought it meant that I had to feel the burn in order to see …

Don’t be a robot. . .

Do you ever feel like you’re in a long line of robots, just going through the motions, day in and day out.  We’re all trying to get to our destination and sometimes we may not …