Category: Blog

What do I do?

There are so many options out there for getting healthy – weight loss programs, intermittent fasting, coaching that includes food, coaching that doesn’t include food, going vegan, going gluten-free, going dairy free… Do you feel …

Time for a Phone Clean Out?

Organizing our lives doesn’t pertain just to our home. It involves our electronics too! Clean up the apps on your phone and you will simplify your life.

I was healthier when. . .

Have you ever said this statement to yourself before?  I have and after a lot of thought, I’m able to finish the sentence.  I was healthier when I worked closer to home. It doesn’t sound …

Body image

When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Some see something that can be hard to handle.  For most women, we don’t see the actual, true reflection.  Instead, we see the poorer version …

Let’s talk cheese!

Let’s talk cheese! Many people love cheese but may have issues with it and not know. We figured out our issues and evolved. You should too!

What’s your imagination telling you?

When we’re kids, we use our imagination all the time.  We dream of fairies and giants living in fields of green or trucks with jet engines that go really fast.  We read books and allow …

Fear is. . .

What exactly is fear?  To some, it’s a road block.  To others, it’s a hurdle.  To many, it’s scary. Sometimes the fear completely takes over.  It pushes you back and while sometimes it might delay …

Operation: Closet Clean Out

Cleaning out your closet not only helps you declutter, but also helps you get a fresh look at your wardrobe. Here are 3 steps to get you started.

Glyphosate is everywhere

Glyphosate is everywhere! It’s hard to eat anything that doesn’t have a speck of it attached. But the more you know about it, the more you can do good.

The voices in your head

Do you ever feel like you have voices in your head?  Like someone marching around with a megaphone saying things over and over again?  Sometimes I do.  I’m not crazy and neither are you! I relate …