Category: Blog

What Season are You In?

If you live in New England, you are probably thinking – Winter.  But that’s not the season I’m talking about.  I’m referring to your stage in life.   Right now we’re knee-deep in the holiday season and …

It’s gratitude month

This is one of my favorite months of the year!  Maybe it’s because we get to celebrate Thanksgiving with our friends and families.  Maybe it’s because we get to eat tons of yummy food.  Or …

Say what??

I read an article this week that was shocking and that was my first reaction!  I laughed and then felt vindicated, like someone had FINALLY understood what I’ve been saying for years.  But then I …

The Joneses are Nice But…

They’re not everything they seem. I’ve always compared myself to others.  I’m not sure why, but the saying “Keeping up with the Joneses” has been burning a fire in me lately.  It’s burning so hot …

Simplify Your Life

If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know I speak a lot about organization and living a more simple life.  You can take it to a deeper level.  How?  By simplifying. When you simplify your …

Meal Prep Sundays

Today, I’m excited!  Why?  Because it’s Meal-Prep Sunday! On Meal-Prep Sunday, we cook.  Or at least prepare food for the week.  Each Sunday may look different, but the end result is the same.  We have …

Is football ruining your relationship?

It’s just about Fall and that means football season is right around the corner.  For some, that means football will take over there television and their life for several months.  For others, it’s just Fall …

Where’s the instruction manual?

Some days, I wish there was an instruction manual that went along with life.  Especially on the days you are having a hard time and just need guidance or on the days where you want …

National Watermelon Day

Watermelon is a delicious and healthy snack. But it doesn’t have to be eaten just as a snack. Enjoy it in a salad and have an amazing lunch!

Essential oils for asthmatics

Essential oils can help people with many conditions, especially those with asthma.  If you’ve ever been curious or almost timid about using oils for managing your symptoms, read on to see how you can do …